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Assisting you to manage employee sickness absence, performance & wellbeing

HR Uprising podcast that explains occupational health & wellbeing.
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Professional Occupational Health Services
Occupational Health Assessments. These are carried out by a registered (NMC/GMC) occupational health specialist nurse or doctor. Below are the typical appropriate reasons for referral. If in doubt call or email to gain advice.
WHIB Ltd aims to provide a fully supported occupational health service. This is through pre and post referral telephone conversations.
Telephone based, video and face to face assessments are available.
When to refer:
Short-term frequent sickness absence
Long-term absence > 4 weeks
Concerns that ill health symptoms or medication may affect safety, efficiency or quality
Assessment of fitness to attend disciplinary or other formal meeting
Company sick pay ending
For return to work advice
Performance or behavioural concerns
Exploration of work relatedness of ill health
How to refer?
Email - or ring - 07816212836
I will discuss with you the suitability of referring and when best to refer.
Or if you are confident then head over to my forms page.

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